2024 Summer Statistics/Research Series

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Week 1: Software Tuesday (May 14) Wednesday (May 15) Thursday (May 16)
SPSS intro (9-11am) Power BI (9-11am) Python intro (9-11am)
SAS intro (1-3pm) R intro (1-3pm) LaTex intro (1-3pm)

Week 2: Statistics Tuesday (May 21) Wednesday (May 22) Thursday (May 23)
Descriptive statistics (9am-12pm) T test and ANOVA (9am-12pm) Logistic regression (9am-12pm)
Inferential statistics (1-4pm) Linear regression (1-4pm) Time series (1-4pm)

Week 3: Special topics Tuesday (May 28) Wednesday (May 29) Thursday (May 30)
Instrument design(9-11am) Meta analysis (9-11am) Multilevel modeling (9-11am)
Survival analysis (1-3pm) Multi-categorical and count data (1-3pm) Structural equation modeling (1-3pm)

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